2016年10月4日 星期二

For long, LTPSS has stressed the all-rounded whole-person development of students. We understand the importance of recognising the uniqueness of each student's development process. Over the years, a number of initiatives have been implemented at LTPSS in order to serve this purpose, including but not limited to Invitational Education (IE) and Formative Instructional Practices (FIP). LTPSS firmly believes that every student is a star who can shine and flourish given the appropriate guidance and support.

To further strengthen this belief, the Positive Education Team (PET) was officially formed at the start of this academic year (16-17). This team consists of 5 teachers (1 English, 1 Humanities, 1 Spanish and 2 Chinese) who aim to instil a positive culture around the school campus. The ultimate goal is to create a positive school environment where both teachers and students use their strengths to lead a flourishing school life.

As we take our first steps towards this goal, we will follow closely the Positive Education Model adopted by Geelong Grammar School, Australia. This model suggests that in order for humans to flourish, six key pillars are necessary: positive emotions, positive engagement, positive accomplishment, positive purpose, positive relationship and positive health. A team of student agents will be recruited as part of the “Pay it Forward Club”, and this core student group, together with the teachers, will be the main driving force behind the Positive Education Movement in the coming academic year.

We encourage your feedback on how to make the school an even more positive one, no matter whether you are a student, parent, alumni or even local resident (e-mail: pet@elearn.ltpss.hk). We appreciate that there will be bumps and obstacles along the way. But together, we believe that we can change the school for the better, one good deed at a time.

Mr. Alan Cheng

On a rainy day where cars struggled driving and the sky was tar-black, my mom was driving me to school. Suddenly I saw this old lady who was looking so petrified. Regardless of the fact that I realised that she was in need of help, I decided to ignore her. My mom looked back and observed her situation and decided to offer her a lift to her desired destination. At that time I was the one who argued about the reason why my mom had decided to trust a stranger and help her. When she got into our car, me and my brother were looking at her in such a mean way, we felt like our comfortable seat was taken by this old stupid lady. When we finally reached her destination, we were so happy that she was leaving. As my mom was helping her out of our car, the old lady hugged and thanked her. The way she was thanking my mom was so genuine, her amount of graciousness was indescribable. After that I definitely learnt my lesson not to judge a book by its cover.

That was my little story about “paying it forward”. Often people get confused just by reading the title, but the meaning behind “pay it forward” is a simple word that all of us were taught in kindergarten which is “Kindness”. The idea behind this scheme is to promote being kind to people and not expecting something in return. Often we only help people because of the attention that we might absorb or what we receive in return but that’s not how the cycle works. There is a famous idiom that says “What goes around comes around”, this little idiom made me so passionate about being kind to people. This was proof to me that when something nice is done the reward may not happen spontaneously or by the same person. But some day you will be rewarded for your act of niceness.The mass majority of people are often intimidated by the idea of making the “Move” to do something in the society, but if they decided to come out of their comfort zone the world would be a much nicer place. The same rule applies to the school setting. If all students learn to be proud of the act of kindness that they are doing, then others would be inspired to do the same as well.

I’m looking forward to spreading this message of doing good deeds in the newly set-up “Pay it Forward” CCA Club.


