2014年3月25日 星期二

This is my first time joining the full marathon. I joined the marathon because I wanted to know my standard. I wanted to take this challenge. So, I set a target and practiced regularly to prepare for the race. Unluckily, I got hurt in January, but I didn't give up. Finally I finished the full marathon within 5 hours. Sometimes, I think running for the marathon is not all about fitness, persistence and volition is also important. Hey guys, hold on your belief and never give up! Keep on exercising and lead a healthy life.
Mr. Cheng Siu Wing

Eddy and I heard about this event, 'Super Language Competition' two weeks before the competition and we had so few days to practice. The competition was very tough. We were competing against other international schools, but we finally won the championship. Thanks to Mr. Arriaga and Mr. Javier's encouragements and also our intensive last minute practices. We performed a song by a 70s Argentinian dual, named 'Pimpinela' , the song is called ' Olvídame y pega la vuelta'. Pretending to be in love with Eddy added to the toughness of the competition, but it was remarkable.
4S Kelvin Ho

2014年3月9日 星期日

In the Chinese New Year, apart from celebrations and visiting my relatives, I also went to school for the choir practice. We are preparing for the Tai Po Festival Competition in 21/2. Last year, we were very happy that we won the championship. I hope all our effort in these few months could pay off this time to win the competition again.
2R Mimi Lui

馬年伊始,先祝大家龍馬精神、馬到功成。 大家有沒有留意今年的元宵節和西方的情人節在同一天?這個巧合是每19年才會出現一次。大家也說元宵節是「中國情人節」,但大家知道元宵節的起源嗎? 關於元宵節的起源有很多,其中一個關於元宵節起源的故事是這樣的:相傳漢武帝時,有位宮女名叫元宵,她因思親而欲投井自盡。這事被東方朔知道後,便想辦法幫元宵。東方朔言談玄妙,並打扮成算命先生,大家也求他指點迷津,但每人求得的籤文都是:「正月十五火焚身。」這令長安城陷入一片恐慌。 漢武帝得知後,請東方朔討教平息之方。東方朔指出,火神君最愛吃湯圓,十五晚上可命宮女元宵做湯圓焚香上供。再傳諭臣民一起外出避禍,滿城街巷、庭院屋門都掛上紅燈,好像滿城大火,就可騙過在天上觀望的火神君了。漢武帝於是照辦,結果正月十五那天,長安城熱熱鬧鬧,最後平安無事,而元宵也終於與家人團聚了。自此以後,每逢正月十五日,大家也會掛彩燈、吃湯圓,這樣的傳統便流傳下來了。 近年,受西方文化影響,「元宵」與「七夕」一樣,也被當作「中國情人節」。碰巧今年中西情人節均在同一日,大家不妨於14/2星期五午膳時間,到有蓋操場參加中文科舉辦的摺花燈及猜燈謎活動,又或到BUDDY SCHEME的攤位買一份朱古力慶祝吧。
Ms Fu Ho Yi